Clachan-iùil 'Ghnìomhachais
Goirid Tuairisgeul:
Industrial Magnets China Industrial Magnets Manufacturer Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic,...
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Clachan-iùil 'Ghnìomhachais
Sìona Clachan-iùil 'GhnìomhachaisDèanadair a
Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic, nylon and etc. The main applications are all kind of motors, stators, rotors, generators, engines, couplings, lifters, separators, filters, tools, electric vehicles and so on.
Tha ceithir sheòrsachan maireannach magnets urrainn a h-uile a chleachdadh mar gnìomhachais magnets. Air sgàth diofar fheartan agus coileanadh, tha iad a chur an sàs ann an diofar stuthan gnìomhachais. Mar eisimpleir, neodymium iarainn boron magnets agus ferrite magnets as motha a tha air a chleachdadh airson dh'fhàs motairean agus gineadairean. Tha Teòthachd as àirde tron obrachaidh de Alnico magnets tha suas ri 550 ~ 600 ℃, tha iad choitchinne a chleachdadh ann an iomadh seòrsa gnìomhachais ionnsramaidean is meatair. An coimeas ri NdFeB magnets, SmCo magnets tha nas freagarraiche-obrach ann an àrd Teòthachd àrainneachd. Osbarr, SmCo maireannach magnets a tha gu math làidir ann an aghaidh na meirg agus oxidation. Uime sin tha iad ga cleachdadh ann an gnìomhachas an dìon nàiseanta, armailteach gnìomhachas, microwave innealan, sensor, gear iùil-tharraingeach, agus iùil-tharraingeach giullachair-dealain inneal