Leman Endistriyèl

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Industrial Magnets China Industrial Magnets Manufacturer Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic,...
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Leman Endistriyèl
Lachin Endistriyèl Leman Fabricant
Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic, nylon and etc. The main applications are all kind of motors, stators, rotors, generators, engines, couplings, lifters, separators, filters, tools, electric vehicles and so on.
Kat kalite yo nan leman pèmanan ka tout dwe itilize kòm leman endistriyèl. En nan karakteristik diferan yo ak pèfòmans yo, yo yo aplike nan pwodui diferan endistriyèl. Pou egzanp, Neyodim leman fè bor ak leman ferit se sitou itilize pou motè ak dèlko. Tanperati a opere maksimòm de Alnico leman se jiska 550 ~ 600 ℃, yo inivèsèl yo itilize nan divès kalite enstriman mizik endistriyèl ak mèt. Konpare ak NdFeB leman, SmCo leman yo gen plis apwopriye k ap travay nan anviwònman tanperati ki wo. Anplis, SmCo leman pèmanan yo trè fò nan rezistans nan korozyon ak oksidasyon. Se poutèt sa yo lajman ki itilize nan endistri nasyonal defans, endistri militè yo, aparèy mikwo-onn, Capteur, Kovèti pou mayetik, processeur mayetik ak machin elektrik