Industrial Magnets
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Industrial Magnets China Industrial Magnets Manufacturer Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic,...
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Industrial Magnets
Kína Industrial Magnets Framleiðandi
Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic, nylon and etc. The main applications are all kind of motors, stators, rotors, generators, engines, couplings, lifters, separators, filters, tools, electric vehicles and so on.
Fjögur konar fasta segull allir geta vera notaður eins og iðnaðar seglum. Vegna mismunandi eiginleika þeirra og árangur, þeir eru beitt á mismunandi iðnaðarvörur. Til dæmis eru neodymium járn bór seglum og ferrít seglum að mestu notuð til mótorar og rafalar. Hámarks hitastigi af Alnico seglum er allt að 550 ~ 600 ° C, sem þeir eru almennt notað í ýmis konar iðnaðar tækjum og metra. Í samanburði við NdFeB seglum, eru SmCo seglum fleiri hentugur vinna í hár hiti umhverfi. Að auki, SmCo fasta segull eru mjög sterkir í gegn tæringu og oxun. Því þeir eru mikið notaðar í landvarnir iðnaði, her iðnaði, örbylgjuofn tæki, skynjara, segulmagnaðir gír, segulmagnaðir örgjörva og rafmagns vél