pot Magnets

Short Description:
Features The permanent pot magnets (magnet pot or magnetic pot) position ferromagnetic items quickly and easily in the required place. these magnet systems have only one surface of magnetic attraction. In other words, all the other sides are non-magnetic. This form of construction restricts the further spread of the magnetic field. As a result, other items or machine parts in the vicinity of the pot magnet do not become magnetised. Pot magnets retain their magnet force indefinitely. Only i...
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Ing wesi sembrani pot permanen (magnet pot utawa pot Magnetik) posisi item ferromagnetic cepet lan gampang ing panggonan required. sistem magnet iki duwe mung siji lumahing atraksi Magnetik. Ing tembung liyane, kabeh pinggiran liyane sing non-Magnetik. Iki wangun construction matesi panyebaran luwih saka Magnetik kolom. Akibaté, item liyane utawa mesin bagean ing saubengé pot magnet ora dadi magnetised. Wesi sembrani pot makaryakke pasukan magnet sing moho. Mung ningkatake suhu lan Magnetik kothak external bisa ngurangi Magnetik pasukan sing. Wesi sembrani pot (magnet pot utawa pot Magnetik) sing wesi sembrani sing kuwat sing dikembangaké kanggo kabutuhan indhustri saiki. panci magnet sing arupi wesi sembrani kaya NdFeB, SmCo, AlNiCo, ferrite hard, plastik, karet lan komponen. Wesi sembrani iki (magnet pot utawa pot Magnetik) bisa gawé medan magnetik wonten ing lumahing eksklusif. Gumantung ing panggunaan, wesi sembrani pot (magnet pot utawa pot Magnetik) sing ukuran beda, wangun lan jembaré. Macem-macem jinis pot wesi sembrani fungsi ing suhu. Nanging wong-wong menehi asil sing padha ing suhu normal. Aplikasi wesi sembrani Iki wesi sembrani Versatile kang dirancang kanggo macem-macem aplikasi industri. industri Popular kang wesi sembrani iki digunakake minangka nderek: - Ing logam lan industri baja.
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