Neodymium bonded

Neodymium bonded

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Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures bonded NdFeB permanent magnets  in grade BNP-2,BNP-4,BNP-6, BNP-8L, BNP-8, -8SR, BNP-8H, BNP-9, BNP-10, BNP-11, BNP-11L, BNP-12, which can be coated with back or grey epoxy. Most customers usually require ring magnets made bonded NdFeB material with multi-poles through diameter or radial magnetization. We also customize bonded magnets in arc, block shapes, etc. Photos of Ring Magnets & Bonded NdFeB Magnetic Assemblies Ring Magnets with Multi-p...

  • FOB Prezz: Istati Uniti $ 0.5 - 9999 / Biċċa
  • Min.order Kwantità: 100 Biċċa / Biċċiet
  • Provvista Abilita: 10000 Biċċa / Biċċiet kull Xahar
  • Port: Ningbo, Shanghai
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    Sine manjetiku Company Limited timmanifattura bonded NdFeB  kalamiti permanenti   fil-grad BNP-2, BNP-4, BNP-6, BNP-8L, BNP-8, -8SR, BNP-8H, BNP-9, BNP-10, BNP-11, BNP-11L, BNP-12, li jista 'jiġi miksi ma' lura jew epossi griż. Ħafna mill-klijenti normalment jeħtieġu kalamiti ring magħmula materjal NdFeB magħqud bir multi-poli permezz dijametru jew magnetization radjali. Aħna wkoll customize kalamiti marbuta fil ark, forom blokk, eċċ

    Ritratti ta 'Big blokk Kalamiti & bonded NdFeB Assemblaġġi manjetiku

     Assemblaġġi neodimju Bonded Bonded Ring Kalamiti neodimju 02

    Bonded neodimju Ring Kalamiti Kalamiti neodimju Custom bonded



    Ring Kalamiti ma Multi-poli permezz Dijametru


    Kalamiti magnetized permezz dijametru ta 'barra u ta' ġewwa ma 'ċerti poli (wisa' minima bejn arbli fuq dijametru ta 'barra jista' jkun 0.8mm)
    Għandu tolleranza żgħira (gauss wiċċ ta 'apparat apposta ≦ 3%) u ugwalment distribuzzjoni ta' wisa arblu (b'tolleranza ta wisa bejn poli ≦ 3%).
    Il mewġa jistgħu jinqasmu mewġa sinusojdali u oġġetti kwadru. Mewġa differenti hija xierqa għal applikazzjonijiet differenti.

    radjali magnetized
    Products with N, S poles concentrically distributed


    Proprjetajiet manjetiċi

    Miftuħa u download  manjetiċi Karatteristika u fiżiċi Proprjetajiet Ta bonded Neodymium Magnet
    Car motor magnets—Steering wheel torque sensor equipped with bonded neodymium magnets, automobile tail gas treatment with bonded NdFeB magnetic components, automotive seat motor with bonded NdFeB magnets, oil pump motor with magnets, automotive oil pump motor with bonded NdFeB magnets, automobile fan motor magnets, automobile sensor magnets
    Household appliances magnets—air conditioner motor magnets, vacuum cleaner motor magnets
    Office automation magnets
    Electric tools magnets
    Mobile phone vibration motor magnets
    Door control motor magnets
    Brushless motor magnets
    Other motor magnets – counter magnets, Conveyor belt motor magnets
    Other custom made permanent magnetic products according to customers’ actual requirements

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