AlNiCo magnet
Pondok Description:
AlNiCo Magnets AlNiCo permanent magnet is an alloy magnet made from Al,Ni,Co,Fe and other trace metal elements and may be produced through either sintering or casting process. The product has remarkable resistance against corrosion and high temperature, and is mainly used in certain precision instruments. Common applications Magnetos Separators MRI Sensors Holding magnets Security systems Relays Machining and tolerances Most alnico magnets are manufactured using typical foundry casting t...
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AlNiCo Magnets
AlNiCo permanent magnet is an alloy magnet made from Al,Ni,Co,Fe and other trace metal elements and may be produced through either sintering or casting process. The product has remarkable resistance against corrosion and high temperature, and is mainly used in certain precision instruments.
aplikasi umum
Machining na tolerances Paling magnet alnico nu dijieun migunakeun téhnik casting foundry has, di mana alloy molten ieu dituang kana molds keusik. Magnet pohara leutik, biasana hiji ounce atanapi kirang, aya ogé dihasilkeun ngagunakeun pencét jeung sinter téhnik. Alnico téh teuas tur regas (45-55 Rockwell C), sarta teu cocog kanggo pangeboran, ngetok atawa operasi machining konvensional. Tutup tolerances anu attained ku grinding abrasive sarta motong. Tolerances baku pikeun dimensi taneuh anu +/-. 005 ". Tolerances pikeun salaku dimensi matak rupa-rupa jeung ukuran bagéan sabenerna. Surfaces un-taneuh nu kulawu keur coklat poék dina warna tapi aya logam caang sanggeus grinding. konstrain suhu jeung métode magnetization Alnico has the lowest temperature coefficient of any commercial magnet material, providing for excellent stability over a wide temperature range. A properly designed circuit using alnico magnets will have a stable flux output during temperature fluctuations. Maximum operating temperature for alnico is 950°F. Magnetization Alnico bisa sawaréh demagnetized lamun kawas kutub magnet anu dibawa babarengan. Nempatkeun magnet individu dina kontak jeung bahan ferrous ogé bisa sawaréh demagnetize aranjeunna. Kamanusaan sarta Studi kudu exhibited dina nanganan magnet magnetized. Has alnico 5 aplikasi meryogikeun panjang magnét panjang pikeun babandingan kutub permukaan (biasana 4: 1 atawa gede) pikeun nanggungkeun ka kantor asuransi kinerja magnét alus. Ditambahkeun jasa nilai Urang nyadiakeun di-imah motong na grinding papanggih syarat aplikasi Anjeun. Urang ogé nyadiakeun bantuan design circuit magnét ngaktipkeun Anjeun milih bahan ditangtoskeun jeung ukuran magnet ditangtoskeun nedunan tugas anjeun merlukeun. |
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