Sweeper magnét

Pondok Description:
The main usage and characteristic of the products 1. The product is suitable for using in plant, casting processing machinery factory, hardware & tools factory, construction site, scrap iron recycle station etc. Effectively suction the small iron, screw & broken iron powder which is scattered at the workplace. Effectively ensure the workplace clean and reclamation the raw materials . 2. This product is suitable for use in various working conditions except high temperature. 3. Thi...
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The pamakéan utama jeung karakteristik tina produk
1. produk ieu cocog pikeun maké di tutuwuhan, casting pabrik pengolahan mesin, hardware & parabot pabrik, situs konstruksi, besi tua beusi stasiun Daur mulang jsb Éféktif ngaluarkeun beusi leutik, screw & bubuk beusi rusak nu sumebar di gaw nu. Éféktif mastikeun gaw nu beresih jeung reclamation bahan atah. |
CT-2 Magnetic sweeper | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The pamakéan utama jeung karakteristik tina produk 1.It dipaké dina kavling paking, situs konstruksi tungtung beberesih, mesin garis wangunan jsb Ieu epektip tiasa adsorb sésa logam leutik turun kana taneuh. Tetep aman, Daur mulang bahan, meresihan tempat kerja. 2.It bisa dipaké dina kaayaan naon baé iwal dina suhu luhur. 3.It bisa tetep gaya magnét keur lila, bisa dipaké kira 9 taun. 4.It utamana dijieunna tina alumunium alloy, struktur basajan, lampu na merenah, apprearance geulis. 5.The samping jeung magnet nyanghareup ka taneuh, ngahasilkeun médan magnét kuat, bisa 100% bersih sésa logam leutik dina rentang kerja na. 6. Struktur magnét bisa disaluyukeun ku switch hideung di ahir cecekelan, ngabongkar momotanana bagian leutik merenah tur gancang. 7. Urang bisa ngaropea pikeun klien kami kalawan sarat husus, nampa urutan OEM. |
Contact us keur leuwih detil. Email: sales@sinemagnetic.com |