Magnit nomi Tags

Qisqa Tasvir:
Magnetic Name Badge also called magnetic badge or magnetic name tag. It consists of two pieces. The outer piece is steel plate or plastic with double-sided tape. The inner piece is with two or three super strong neodymium magnets. Magnetic name badge includes metal name badge, plastic name badge and customized name badge. FeaturesHigh remanence, coercive force, high energy and the magnets will not weaken. Unlike clips or pins, magnetic name badge would not harm your skin or c...
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Xususiyatlari Oliy Remanence, majburiy kuch, yuqori energiya va zaiflashtirishga olmaydi magnit. Videokliplar yoki ignalar farqli o'laroq, magnit nomi nishon teri yoki kiyim zarar emas. Foydalanish ismingiz nishoni yoki ish kartaga tashqi parcha biriktiring va kiyim tashqi qo'ydi. Keyin kiyim ichida ichki bir qo'ydi. Foydalanish oson.
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